Frontiers: A Women’s Studies Journal, Volume 45, Issue 1
Co-edited with Diane Wong
Asian American Abolition Feminisms
Frontiers: A Women’s Studies Journal, Volume 44, Issue 3
Co-edited with Diane Wong
“The Political Uses of Memory: Instagram and Black-Asian Solidarities.” (2023) Rachel Kuo and Sarah J. Jackson. Media, Culture, and Society.
“Destabilizing Race in Political Communication: Social Movements as Sites of Political Imagination.” (2023) Rohan Grover and Rachel Kuo. Political Communication.
“Inequities of race, place, and gender among the communication citation elite, 2000–2019.” (2023) Deen Freelon, Meredith L Pruden, Kirsten A Eddy, Rachel Kuo. Journal of Communication.
“High Risk Hustling: Payment Processors Sexual Proxies and Discrimination by Design.” (2023) Zahra Stardust, Danielle Blunt, Gabriella Garcia, Lorelei Lee, Kate D’Adamo, Rachel Kuo
“Towards Collective Safety: Transformative Methodologies.” (2022) Sarah T. Hamid and Rachel Kuo. First Monday: Special Issue on Online Harm and Abuse
“Studying mis- and disinformation in Asian diasporic communities: The need for critical transnational research beyond Anglocentrism.” (2022) Sarah Nguyễn, Rachel Kuo, Madhavi Reddi, Lan Li, and Rachel Moran. Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review.
“What Does Salad Have to Do with Racial Justice? Promoting Solidarity in the Time of COVID-19.” (2022) Matthew Bui, Rachel Kuo, and Anne Washington. First Monday.
“Against Carceral Data Collection in Response to Anti-Asian Violences.” (2021). Rachel Kuo and Matthew Bui. Big Data and Society.
“Critical Disinformation Studies: History, Power, and Politics.” (2021). Rachel Kuo and Alice Marwick. Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review.
“Identity Propaganda: Racial Narratives and Disinformation.” (2021). Madhavi Reddi, Rachel Kuo, and Daniel Kreiss. New Media and Society.
“#FeministAntibodies: Asian American Media in the Time of Coronavirus.” (2020) Rachel Kuo, Amy Zhang, Vivian Shaw, and Cynthia Wang. Social Media + Society 6(4).
“Visible Solidarities: #Asians4BlackLives and Affective Racial Counterpublics.” (2018) Studies in Transition States and Societies: Special Association of Internet Research Issue on Networked Publics 10(1): 40-54.
“Racial Justice Activist Hashtags: Counterpublics and Discourse Circulation.” (2018) New Media and Society 20(2): 495 - 514.
“Whose Side are Ethics Codes On? Power, Responsibility and the Social Good.” (2020) Anne Washington and Rachel Kuo. In Proceedings of ACM Fairness Accountability Transparency Conference (FAT*20). ACM, Barcelona, Spain.
“#CommunicationSoWhite.” (2018) Paula, Chakravartty, Rachel Kuo, Victoria Grubbs and Charlton McIlwain. Journal of Communication: Ferments In the Field Special Issue 68(2): 254-266.
“Scripting Raced and Gendered Myths of (Un)Belonging.” (2017) Griffith Journal of Law and Human Dignity: Gender, Culture, and Narrative Special Issue 5(1): 68-90.
“Like a Criminal Undercover: Love, Hate, and the Performance of Inclusion.” (2024) In Patty Ahn, Michelle Cho, Vernadette Vicuna Gonazalez, Rani Neutill, Mimi Thi Nguyen, and Yutian Wong, eds, Bangtan Remixed: A Critical BTS Reader. Duke University Press.
“Invisible feelings, anti-Asian violences and abolition feminisms.” Salonee Bhaman and Rachel Kuo (2023) In Karen Boyle and Susan Berridge, eds. Routledge Companion to Gender, Media, and Violence.
“#DisabilityStudiesTooWhite.” Kristen Bowen, Rachel Kuo, and Mara Mills. (2023) In Mara Mills and Rebecca Sanchez, eds. Crip Authorship: Disability as Method. NYU Press.
“Comic Forms of Racial Justice: Aesthetics of Racialized Affect and Political Critique.”(2020) In Emma Gonzalez and Matthew Hughey, eds., Racialized Media: The Design, Delivery, and Decoding of Race and Ethnicity. New York University Press.
“Animating Feminist Anger: Economies of Race and Gender in Reaction GIFs.” (2019) in Debbie Ging and Eugenia Siapera, eds., Gender Hate Online: Understanding the New Anti-Feminism, 173-193.
“Review of Alien Capital: Asian Racialization and the Logic of Settler Colonial Capitalism by Iyko Day.” (2017) In Lateral 6.2. doi: 10.25158/L6.2.XX
Resisting Bureaucracies: Reflections on Community Engagement and Digital Technology (November 2, 2022). Just Tech.
Lateral Violences: Speculating Exit Strategies Within Movements, A Concept Note. (Nov/Dec 2021) ACM Interactions, with Mon Mohapatra and Rigoberto Guzmán
The Institutional Capture of Abolitionist Dissent (Nov/Dec 2021) ACM Interactions, with Mon Mohapatra.
Where We Go and How We Get There Together (August 30, 2021) Asian American Writers’ Workshop, with Salonee Bhaman, Tiffany Diane Tso, and Jaimee A. Swift.
Attacks on Asian Women Are Fueled by Criminalization, War and Economic Injustice (March 23, 2021) Truth Out, with Salonee Bhaman
The Creative Work of Care: A Portfolio of Abolitionist Imagination (December 18, 2020) Asian American Writers’ Workshop.
8 to Abolition is Advocating to Abolish Police to Keep Us All Safe (June 25, 2020) Teen Vogue, with Leila Raven and Mon Mohapatra
Abolition Cannot Wait: Visions for Transformation & Radical World Building (June 17, 2020) Wear Your Voice, with K. Agbebiyi, Sarah T. Hamid, and Mon Mohapatra
Digging into the Racial Politics of Ugly Delicious (May 16, 2018) Reappropriate
How Rape Culture And Racism Combine To Hurt Asian Women (May 20, 2017) Huffington Post
4 Ways Our Socially Accepted Beauty Ideals Are Racist (May 8, 2017) Everyday Feminism
What Does American-ness Mean for East Asian Americans? (March 2, 2017) Everyday Feminism
How Cultural Appropriation Becomes Trendy and the Real Cost of Our Consumerism (December 16, 2016) Open Democracy
4 Lessons Feminism Has Taught Me About My Relationship to Food and Fitness (November 16, 2016) Everyday Feminism
3 Facts You May Not Know About the Racist Origins of ‘Colorblindness’ (August 10, 2016) Everyday Feminism
4 Reasons Why Calling a Woman of Color ‘Exotic’ Is Racist (January 26, 2016) Everyday Feminism
The Feminist Guide to Being a Foodie Without Being Culturally Appropriative (November 18, 2015) Everyday Feminism
5 Coded Phrases People Post on Facebook to Excuse Their Racism (October 22, 2015) Everyday Feminism
Why Racial Justice Work Needs to Address Settler Colonialism and Native Rights (August 16, 2015) Everyday Feminism
6 Reasons We Need to Dismantle the Model Minority Myth of Those ‘Hard-Working’ Asians (April 2, 2015) Everyday Feminism
6 Things to Navigate While Coming Out to Yourself as a Survivor of Sexual Violence (January 7, 2015) Everyday Feminism